Sunday, 22 June 2014

Record high book price on Amazon.

Those of you who wish to buy my books are probably aware that they are available from various sources. The cheapest and most enjoyable way is to come to one of my talks; if you have a social conscience, support your local bookshop. If you prefer to purchase by post then you can pay by cheque on the Queen Anne's Fan website. You can even follow the link, 'what books have I written', in the right hand column of this blog. What could be easier?

And then, of course, there is Amazon. 
Now, you mustn't always believe what you read on Amazon. They will mark titles as 'unavailable', implying that the book no longer exists when what they should be saying is, 'we don't stock the book'. This is why you should go to a local bookshop. They know what they are talking about. And there are those sellers on Amazon who assure you that they possess a stock of my books when they do not and that they will deliver within 24 hours when they cannot.

If you buy my titles on Amazon, only Cool Bag Books carries a stock of them new. Nobody else does, despite what they claim.

Record high price demanded on Amazon for a popular book whose published price is £7.99

You can save yourself £1466.47 if you buy my book The Trouble with France from Cool Bag Books, which is the Amazon storefront for my publishers, rather than from UK Bookdepot who are charging £1,472.47 (plus £2.80 postage) for a book whose published price is £7.99. 

Makes you think, doesn't it?

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