Tuesday, 24 December 2013

MyMateJohn was right after all.

Those of you who have read Hunting the Golden Lion (read the first chapter here: http://queenannesfan.com/files/2213/7396/6771/Text_Golden_Lion.pdf ) will know that I have a long-suffering friend called MyMateJohn. When he is not managing the Oxfam bookshop in Folkestone he sometimes comes out on a bicycle ride with me. His preparations and route choice are usually made after checking the weather situation on the satellite pictures and then ascertaining the local wind speed and direction from the meteorological broadcast of nearby Manston Airport.
I was busy yesterday morning so we arranged to go out for a ride in the afternoon. When I got home at midday MyMateJohn had left several messages on my telephone warning me that the weather would be unsuitable and that he was not going out and neither should I.
It is difficult to take seriously the prophecies of someone who can never tell whether the wind is blowing him along or slowing him down but just for once, I decided to accord him full oracle status. I stayed indoors. The wind destroyed my garden fence, snapping off at ground level seven 4" x 4" timber posts.

I think MyMateJohn was right after all.

A wind that can snap off 4" x 4" timber posts is
probably too dangerous to cycle in.